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Servicing a piano takes between 1-2 hours,

costing approximately $230-$300 (incl. GST).

The range has a lot to do with how far I need to travel to get to the job. 


For country jobs, I need to bunch a few clients together so, any extra travel costs can be shared.

The service includes tuning, minor regulation and voicing if needed. (see below). As well as this, I’ll be attending to all the extra things that I've so often noticed have not been addressed in the past, i.e. cleaning the keys, vacuuming out the bottom section, adjusting pedals and tightening the piano bench, and making sure everything is perfect with the instrument. Any issues, notes slipping out, etc, that may occur soon after this visit, I’m more than happy to return and rectify at no cost. 

All piano tuners will recommend at least a regular annual tuning for most pianos. Pianos are far more stable in pitch with small adjustments than when leaving them to go flat and needing a big pull-up of the pitch or a long session tightening up the action, etc.

Often, piano servicing is something that gets forgotten about. If a piano has been left unturned for a few years, It will probably need a rough pitch raise tuning, then a finer tuning to get it back to the correct pitch. Its action will need full regulation, and if it's been played a lot, then the hammer felts will probably need some attention. Often, in neglected pianos, I lift up a key and find a mountain of dust, or worse, pest infestation, i.e. rodent nests and moth-eaten felts; this requires all the keys to come out and a good vacuum /keybed to be refreshed.

Note: I always give a quote on extra work needed before commencing. 

REGULATION AND VOICING -What does it mean?

To achieve the best touch and tone from your piano, it's important to check and adjust the regulation and voicing requirements of the instrument.

If the action, though, feels sloppy or has problems with sticking keys etc, then regulation is needed involving tightening and adjusting all the screws in the action for an even and responsive touch with optimum repetition. Some special lubrication of parts may also be necessary.

If the hammers are grooved, flattened with age, and sounding harsh and tinny, then voicing is needed, involving refacing the hammer felts and carefully inserting needles into the felt. If it's something minor, then it's included in the regular service price, but if extended time is needed, it is highly worth it. The results are often amazing and transforming for the piano.


REPAIRS- I like to carry out most repairs on-site, carrying spare ivory and plastic keytops, felts, leathers, action parts, strings, tuning pins and springs, etc. With larger repair work on actions involving the fitting of new parts, etc., the action can be removed for workshop repairs and then returned for final adjustments.


FRENCH POLISHING- If it's a small blemish, I can usually fix it on-site. I carry my father’s great recipe for French Polish revival that brings up the lustre very well. I also have a great french polishing colleague, that I can recommend to you who has been working on pianos all his life.

MODERN FINISH REPAIR- I have a couple of recommended colleagues who specialise in this. I can facilitate the organisation of this, including quotes for any insurance purposes.


Pre-purchase advice 

In my 40 years of experience, I have worked on most makes and models of pianos, and I know their design strengths, flaws and aging characteristics. Whether you are considering buying a new or pre-loved instrument, I can guide you through buying a good piano within your budget and organise its safe transport to your home.

Please let me appraise any instrument you are thinking of obtaining BEFORE you go ahead with it!  

It's frustratingly sad when people source something that is actually un-tuneable due to its age or a structural problem.

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